Results Submission
Send algorithm output on the test dataset to organizers via email (
The estimated results of the test dataset should be within 0~1, as those in the provided ground truth of the training dataset. Results of test dataset can be submitted either in a MATLAB data file (.mat file) or in a text file (.txt file), with the following protocols.
File Name: LVQUAN_XXX.mat or LVQUAN_XXX.txt. XXX is the initials of the participant’s name.
- MATALB data: the submitted results should be in the same format as the ground truth in the training dataset. Four variables should be contained in the LVQUAN_XXX.mat file:
- areas_hat:
- array of size of 2×600.
- areas(1,:) is for cavity area and areas(2,:) is for myocardium area.
- For the 20 frames of subject s, the results should be areas(:, (s-1)×20:s×20).
- dims_hat
- array of size of 3×600.
- dims(1,:) is for direction of IS-AL, dims(2,:) is for direction of I-A, and dims(3,:) is for direction of IL-AS.
- For the 20 frames of subject s, the results should be dims(:, (s-1)×20:s×20).
- rwt_hat
- array of size of 6×600.
- areas(1,:)~areas(6,:) are for segments IS, I, IL, AL, A and AS, accordingly.
- For the 20 frames of subject s, the results should be rwt(:, (s-1)×20:s×20).
- lv_phase_hat
- array of size 1×600.
- For the 20 frames of subject s, the results should be rwt(:, (s-1)×20:s×20).
- areas_hat:
- TEXT data: the submitted results should be in the following format.
- Each line should start with “sub-xx-yy”, where xx is the subject number and yy is the frame number.
The results of all the LV indices for one frame are arranged in the same line as follow:
sub-xx-yy: A1, A2, D1, D2, D3, RWT1, RWT2, RWT3, RWT4, RWT5, RWT6, Phase
- Results for the same subject should be in successively 20 lines.